
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>涡轮流量传感器油耗测量及流阻特性实验分析


2474    2019-10-29



作者:尹川, 李晓琳, 郭政波

作者单位:中国飞行试验研究院, 陕西 西安 710089




Fuel consumption measurement and flow resistance characteristics experimental analysis of turbine flow sensor
YIN Chuan, LI Xiaolin, GUO Zhengbo
Chinese Flight Test Establishment, Xi'an 710089, China
Abstract: Engine oil consumption measurement uses turbine flow sensor to shut off oil pipe and install, reflects fluid velocity from the velocity that liquid pressure drives impeller rotation. Considering that oil pipe diameter is small, driving the impeller rotation will reduce the pressure of oil supply, affect engine oil supply rate, even block the engine oil pipe to cause flight quality accidents. In this paper, the key parameter K factor, which is used to calculate the fuel flow rate of the twin rotors, is firstly introduced. Based on the relationship between the frequency and flow rate of the upstream and downstream rotors, the measurement principle of fuel consumption of the turbine flow sensor and the calculation method of flow resistance characteristics are obtained. Based on the research results, an experimental test platform for flow resistance characteristics is built to reasonably design experimental points with different given flow values, and the pressure value before and after the fuel pipeline connection point, the actual pipeline pressure difference and the actual flow response curve are analyzed to obtain the law of function of various factors affecting the flow resistance coefficient, to provide guidance for selecting the flow sensor installed in the small diameter fuel line.
Keywords: engine fuel consumption;turbine flow sensor;flow resistance characteristics
2019, 45(10):78-83  收稿日期: 2019-03-06;收到修改稿日期: 2019-04-25
基金项目: 十三五共用技术(41403020203)
作者简介: 尹川(1987-),男,陕西西安市人,工程师,硕士,主要从事飞行试验机载测试技术
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