
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>基于机器视觉的漆包线线径在线检测系统设计


2532    2019-12-30



作者:陈家焱1, 景利孟1, 洪涛1, 蒋天齐2

作者单位:1. 中国计量大学, 浙江 杭州 310018;
2. 杭州质慧信息技术有限公司, 浙江 杭州 310018



针对人工检测漆包线线径的过程中存在精度低、检测效率低和增加企业人工成本的问题,设计一套基于机器视觉的漆包线线径在线检测系统。通过对漆包线震动问题的研究,设计漆包线定位板,利用LabVIEW及IMAQ vision模块开发漆包线在线检测系统的相关软件。实现漆包线的图像采集、处理、尺寸测量、数据传输、数据存储等功能。通过在企业的现场测试表明:系统检测相对误差为–0.056%,绝对误差–0.000 09 mm。满足合作企业检测范围(0.162±0.001) mm的要求,该系统可用于漆包线线径的在线检测。

Design of online detection system for enameled wire diameter based on machine vision
CHEN Jiayan1, JING Limeng1, HONG Tao1, JIANG Tianqi2
1. China Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310018, China;
2. Hangzhou Quality Information Technology Limited Company, Hangzhou 310018, China
Abstract: Aiming at the problems of low precision, low detection efficiency and increasing labor cost in enterprises in the process of manual detection of the diameter of enameled wire, a set of on-line detection system based on machine vision has been designed. Through the research on the vibration of enameled wire, the enameled wire positioning plate is designed. The on-line detection device of enameled wire which claimed to be evolved for image acquisition, processing, dimension measurement, data transmission and the data storage has been realized through LabVIEW and IMAQ vision module. The field test cooperated with enterprise has shown that the relative error of -0.056% and absolute error of -0.000 09 mm have met the requirement of the cooperated enterprise whose detection accuracy should be limited within (0.162±0.001) mm. Therefore, the system can be utilized for the on-line detection of enameled wire diameter.
Keywords: machine vision;on-line detection;least square method;diameter dimension;enameled wire
2019, 45(12):119-125  收稿日期: 2018-12-03;收到修改稿日期: 2019-03-20
基金项目: 2019年度浙江省公益技术研究项目(LGG19E050015)
作者简介: 陈家焱(1979-),男,江苏泗洪县人,讲师,博士,主要研究方向为质量控制与可靠性工程
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