
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>微穿孔管共振频率预测方法研究


1031    2022-04-26



作者:张文辉, 李立涛, 吕海峰, 陈龙虎, 叶俊杰, 马智宇

作者单位:中北大学机械工程学院,山西 太原 030051



微穿孔管具有良好的宽带消声效果,但随着结构参数的微小变化,共振频率将发生较大的偏移。该文基于Python多元线性回归算法可以对数据并行处理,速度快能够同时处理数值型和分类型特征等优点,搭建微穿孔管共振频率预测模型,采用三维建模软件绘制多种不同结构的穿孔管模型,然后利用Comsol声学仿真软件计算穿孔管共振频率,收集穿孔率、穿孔深度、背腔深度与共振频率的数值对应关系。在 Jupyter notebook开发平台,运用Numpy、Pandas数据预处理框架,Sklearn数据分析模块等工具来搭建穿孔管共振频率的线性回归预测模型,可以直接呈现出结构参数对微穿孔管共振频率的影响。最后,基于预估模型设计一种模块化穿孔管串并联耦合的消声器结构,具有连续宽带消声效果,在微穿孔管消声器的设计优化方面具有一定的工程应用前景。

Research on resonant frequency prediction method of microperforated tube
ZHANG Wenhui, LI Llitao, Lü Haifeng, CHEN Longhu, YE Junjie, MA Zhiyu
School of Mechanical Engineering, North university of China, Taiyuan 030051, China
Abstract: The micro-perforated tube has a good broadband muffling effect, but with the slight change of structural parameters, the resonance frequency will be greatly offset.In this paper, based on the Python multiple linear regression algorithm, the data can be processed in parallel with the advantages of high speed and simultaneous processing of numerical type and sub-type characteristics, and the resonance frequency prediction model of micro-perforated tubes is built. we use 3d modeling software to draw a variety of perforated tube models with different structures. then we use Comsol acoustic simulation software to calculate the resonance frequency of perforated tube. the numerical correspondence between perforation rate, perforation depth, back cavity depth and resonance frequency is collected. On the Jupyter notebook development platform, the linear regression prediction model of perforated tube resonance frequency is built by using Numpy、Pandas data preprocessing framework and Sklearn data analysis module, which can directly show the influence of structural parameters on the resonance frequency of microperforated tube. Finally, based on the prediction model, a modular perforated tube series-parallel coupling muffler structure is designed, which has the effect of continuous broadband silencing, and has a certain engineering application prospect in the design and optimization of micro perforated tube muffler.
Keywords: resonance frequency;multiple linear regression;Python;microperforated tube muffler
2022, 48(4):18-22  收稿日期: 2021-04-22;收到修改稿日期: 2021-06-20
作者简介: 张文辉(1994-),男,山西临汾市人,硕士研究生,专业方向为振动与噪声控制
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