
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>蒸馏滴定法与杜马斯燃烧法在肥料总氮含量测定中的比较研究


607    2023-01-12



作者:王晓云, 王伟玲, 李赵, 杨永栋, 张容

作者单位:四川省化工质量安全检测研究院,四川 成都 610010




Distillation-titration method and Dumas combustion method in determination of total nitrogen content in fertilizers: a comparative study
WANG Xiaoyun, WANG Weiling, LI Zhao, YANG Yongdong, ZHANG Rong
Sichuan Research Institute of Chemical Quality and Safety Testing, Chengdu 610010, China
Abstract: The Dumas combustion method in the determination of total nitrogen content in fertilizers can greatly improve the detection efficiency, but it must be scientifically and systematically compared with the traditional detection method (distillation-titration method) for verification. Only after the equivalence evaluation results are obtained can it be used as an effective alternative detection method. The application of the Dumas combustion method to determine total nitrogen in feeds is earlier and wider than that in fertilizers. In this study, the Dumas combustion method was compared with the distillation-titration method in determining total nitrogen based on reference to relevant methods. In the Dumas combustion method, standard curves were drawn using glycine or aspartic acid as reference material, with linearity > 0.999, recoveries of 94.04%-102.35%, and RSD of precision between 0.239%-1.498% (n=6). The absolute difference between the distillation-titration method and the Dumas combustion method ranges from 0.03%-0.26%, which meets the requirements for the detection error in fertilizer detection.
Keywords: fertilizer;Dumas combustion method;distillation titration method;total nitrogen
2023, 49(1):81-85  收稿日期: 2021-11-13;收到修改稿日期: 2022-02-01
作者简介: 王晓云(1971-),女,湖南益阳市人,高级工程师,从事仪器分析与化学分析工作
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