
首页> 数字期刊群 >本期导读>面向水域人员的不安全行为识别算法


315    2024-01-15



作者:何赟泽1, 周辉1, 吴兴辉1, 任丹彤1, 丁美有1, 程亮2,3

作者单位:1. 湖南大学电气与信息工程学院, 湖南 长沙 410006;
2. 江苏海洋大学海洋工程学院, 江苏 连云港 222005;
3. 珠海云洲智能科技有限公司, 广东 珠海 519085




Unsafe behavior recognition algorithm and application for water personnel
HE Yunze, ZHOU Hui, WU Xinghui, REN Dantong, DING Meiyou, CHENG Liang
1. College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410006, China;
2. School of Ocean Engineering, Jiangsu Ocean University, Lianyungang 222005, China;
3. Zhuhai Yunzhou IntelligentTechnology Co., Ltd., Zhuhai 519085, China
Abstract: In order to ensure the life safety of water personnel, a behavior recognition network based on Faster-RCNN+SlowFast improved was proposed for unsafe behavior recognition of water personnel. The main work includes the following points: First, according to the 95 videos collected, the dataset of water area personnel's action behavior is constructed, in which there are 161687 fast channel frames, 5543 key frames and a total of 9173 labeling frames. Secondly, the Faster-RCNN+SlowFast modular design is used to conduct target location and behavior analysis on the dataset of personnel's action behavior in water area. The experimental results show good performance and can identify the location and behavior of personnel in water area. Thirdly, an improved SlowFast network combined with time-domain compression strategy is proposed. The results show that the recognition accuracy of the improved SlowFast network model increases by 5.0%, and the inference speed increases by about 1.14 times. The experiment proves that the improved network model can effectively help to identify the behavior recognition problms of people in water areas.
Keywords: water environment;behavior recognition;water personnel action behavior dataset;improvement of SlowFast
2023, 49(9):104-110  收稿日期: 2022-6-28;收到修改稿日期: 2022-9-2
作者简介: 何赟泽(1983-),男,山西祁县人,教授,主要研究方向为嵌入式人工智能与边缘计算、红外热成像与机器视觉。
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