
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>风机自主巡视的无人机控制策略研究


603    2024-01-15



作者:王宁1, 王雁冰2, 杨健3, 欧阳跃4, 王恩路1, 焦嵩鸣5

作者单位:1. 中国广核新能源控股有限公司运维事业部, 北京 100070;
2. 中广核(北京)新能源科技有限公司, 北京 100071;
3. 中国广核新能源新疆分公司, 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830000;
4. 中国广核新能源贵州分公司, 贵州 贵阳 550081;
5. 华北电力大学自动化系, 河北 保定 071003




Research on control strategy of UAV for autonomous inspection of wind turbine
WANG Ning, WANG Yanbing, YANG Jian, OUYANG Yue, WANG Enlu, JIAO Songming
1. Operation and Maintenance Department, CGN New Energy Holdings Co., Ltd., Beijing 100070, China;
2. CGN (Beijing) New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing 100071, China;
3. CGN New Energy Holdings Co., Ltd(Xinjiang)., Urumqi 830000, China;
4. CGN New Energy Holdings Co., Ltd(Guizhou)., Guiyang 550081, China;
5. Department of automation, North China Electric Power University, Baoding 071003, China
Abstract: When the rotor UAV is used to inspect the wind turbine independently, it is necessary to collect the panorama of the wind turbine, calculate the spatial position of the blades, and then plan the inspection route and inspection point.Therefore, a UAV control strategy for autonomous inspection of wind turbines is proposed in this paper. Firstly, the Yolov5 neural network model is used to extract each part of the wind turbine. At the same time, the position and attitude correction of the UAV is calculated by using the pixel coordinates of each part of the wind turbine, and the controller is designed to make the UAV reach the position of directly facing the wind turbine to collect its panorama. Secondly, the spatial coordinates of the blade tips are calculated according to the panorama, and the patrol route and initial inspection points are planned to achieve a comprehensive image acquisition of the blades. Finally, in order to overcome the interference of positioning errors and other factors, a controller is designed so that the UAV can adjust the position and attitude according to the image information, so that the blade can be kept in the center of the image, so as to achieve the purpose of precision patrol of the wind turbine. The simulation results show that the strategy proposed in this paper can achieve the purpose of independent inspection of wind turbines, and the design ideas can also provide reference for the inspection schemes of other power equipments.
Keywords: wind turbines;UAV;Yolov5;facing wind turbines;precision inspection
2023, 49(9):156-162,171  收稿日期: 2022-4-7;收到修改稿日期: 2022-6-2
作者简介: 王宁(1983-),男,河北保定市人,高级工程师,硕士,主要从事新能源大数据分析建模。
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