
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>三聚氰胺饰面人造板中16种邻苯酯类的提取及检测


2509    2016-01-16



作者:李庆1, 高翠玲2, 陈淑祥2, 石敬民1

作者单位:1. 山东师范大学化学化工与材料科学学院, 山东 济南 250014;
2. 山东省产品质量监督检验研究院, 山东 济南 250102

关键词:邻苯二甲酸酯类; 三聚氰胺饰面人造板; 气相色谱-质谱; 索式提取


采用气相色谱-质谱法(GC-MS)测定三聚氰胺饰面人造板中16种邻苯酯类增塑剂。分别采用二氯甲烷、三氯甲烷、正己烷为索式提取溶剂,选择提取时间5,6,7,8 h,对提取溶剂的种类和时间进行优化。结果表明:用三氯甲烷提取7 h为最佳条件。该方法线性关系良好,相关系数均大于0.998,检出限在5.45~23.95 mg/kg之间,加标回收率在88.2%~105.4%之间,相对标准偏差在2.1%~5.4%之间。该方法操作简单,灵敏度高,重现性好,能满足三聚氰胺饰面材料中PAEs的检测需求。

Extraction and determination of 16 phthalate esters in melamine resin surfaced wood-base panels

LI Qing1, GAO Cui-ling2, CHEN Shu-xiang2, SHI Jing-min1

1. College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Shandong Normal University, Jinan 250014, China;
2. Shandong Instltute of Product Quality Supervision and Inspection, Jinan 250102, China

Abstract: Phthalates from melamine resin surfaced wood-base panels was determined with gas chromatographic separation and mass spectrometric detection(GC-MS) method. Extracted phthalates 5,6,7,8 hours by soxhlet extraction method with methylene dichloride, chloroform and normal hexane as the solvent respectively. Results show that PAEs can be effectively extracted with chloroform for 7 hours. The correlation coefficients of 16 PAEs were over 0.998, and detection limits from 5.45 mg/kg to 23.95 mg/kg, The recoveries ranged from 88.2% to 105.4%, and the relative standard deviation ranged from 2.1% to 5.4%. The developed analytical method is rapid and accurate, and suitable for the determination of PAEs in melamine resin surfaced wood-base panels.

Keywords: phthalate esters; melamine resin surfaced wood-base panel; GC-MS; soxhlet extraction

2013, 39(2): 38-41  收稿日期: 2012-9-17;收到修改稿日期: 2012-11-8

基金项目: 国家质检公益专项(201010013)山东省质监局科研项目(2010KYZ05)

作者简介: 李庆(1987-),男,山东淄博市人,硕士研究生,专业方向为消费品安全研究。


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