
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>小波变换超高压输电线路雷电干扰识别判据研究


2601    2016-01-16



作者:马杰, 刘璐璐, 姚勇

作者单位:河南省电力公司开封供电局, 河南 开封 475004

关键词:超高压输电线路; 雷电干扰; 频谱分析; 小波变换



On the wavelet based identification of lightning interference for transmission lines

MA Jie, LIU Lu-lu, YAO Yong

Kaifeng Administration of Electric Power Supply of Electric Power of Henan Kaifeng, Kaifeng 475004, China

Abstract: Protective relaying equipment play a significant role in transmission lines and suffers from varies of high frequency interference.Lightning interference is one of the major interference factors, which causes false operation during protection process.According to the lightning interference problem, this paper analyzes the energy distribution and wave of current transient components in different cases to find out the differences, and then proposes the criterion to distinguish the lightning interference, transmission induction lightning and short-cut fault for transmission lines.Finally, through the proposed method, lightning interference can be identified to eliminate false operation during protection process.Simulation results in Matlab verify the validity and effectiveness of our proposed method.

Keywords: transmission line; lightning interference; spectrum analysis; wavelet transform

2013, 39(5): 34-38  收稿日期: 2013-4-8;收到修改稿日期: 2013-6-6


作者简介: 马杰(1968-),男,河南开封市人,工程师,主要从事电力系统及自动化研究。


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