
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>金属材料高温拉伸试验标准对比研究


3329    2015-10-08



作者:陈亚军, 刘波, 王付胜, 杨旭东

作者单位:中国民航大学中欧航空工程师学院, 天津 300300



为制定适合我国民用航空业的金属高温拉伸试验标准,并与国际先进的标准体系接轨,全方位对比分析美国宇航材料标准(ASTM)和中国国家标准(GB)金属高温拉伸试验标准的主要的差异。对比分析结果表明:1)在试验设备方面,ASTM较GB引伸计准确度高50%,600 ℃以上加热装置准确度高25%。ASTM增加试验机轴向性检测程序和易腐蚀材料的保护装置,并要求安装引伸计指示应变率装置,提高试验的准确性。GB明确测温设备的检测周期,提高检测可靠性。2)在试样制备方面,ASTM相较于GB明确规定试样的产品批次、最终状态和取样位置。3)在试验程序方面,ASTM增加试样清洗环节,试样的最低保温时间比GB多一倍。GB在测200 MPa以下屈服和抗拉强度时修约结果更准确,ASTM在测200 MPa以上屈服和抗拉强度时修约结果更准确。4)在试验报告方面,ASTM较GB从试样、温度控制、特殊情况、试验结果等方面进行全面而详细的要求,整份报告能够提供很好的数据信息支撑。综上,金属高温拉伸试验GB标准有别于ASTM,提高设备准确度,加强条件控制准确度,考虑试验环境与特殊状况,才能制定出满足中国民航业的高标准国际化金属高温拉伸试验标准。

Comparative study on high temperature tensile test standards of metal materials

CHEN Yajun, LIU Bo, WANG Fusheng, YANG Xudong

Sino-European Institute of Aviation Engineering, Civil Aviation University of China, Tianjin 300300, China

Abstract: ASTM and GB standards were compared and analyzed in this paper in order to provide a basis for the formulation of high temperature tensile test standards for metal materials in accordance with international advanced standard systems. The comparative results are as follows: 1)In regard to experimental equipment, the precisions of ASTM extensometers are 50% higher, ASTM heaters above 600 ℃ higher than 25%. In order to increase the accuracy in test, ASTM has incorporated an axial test procedure for tester, protective devices for corrosive materials, and required to install indicators for extensometer strain rate. GB by contrast has determined the periodic detection for temperature measuring equipment and thus enhanced the detection reliability. 2)In regard to the preparation of specimens, ASTM has more strict requirements on product batches, final conditions, and sampling locations. 3)In regard to test procedures, GB lacks the requirement on specimen washing and its temperature-holding time is more than one time lower than compared to ASTM. In GB, the rounding results obtained in measuring tensile strengths and yield strengths are more accurate below 200 Mpa, while those in ASTM are more precise above 200 Mpa. 4)In regard to experimental reports, ASTM has comprehensive and detailed requirements on specimens, temperature control, special cases, experimental results, and so on. The data and information of each test has been written in the report. In summary, the two standards are different from each other in the above aspects. International test standards that fit China's aviation industry can only be compiled based on the improvement of equipment precision, the enhancement of control accuracy, the consideration of test environment and special circumstances.

Keywords: high temperature tension test;ASTM;GB;comparative analysis

2015, 41(9): 1-5,41  收稿日期: 2015-3-8;收到修改稿日期: 2015-4-7

基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(51301198);中央高校基本科研业务费中国民航大学专项资助(3122015Z002)

作者简介: 陈亚军(1976-),男,天津市人,副教授,博士,主要从事材料性能检测及标准方面的科研和教学工作。


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