
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>埋地输气管道落石冲击响应的试验研究


1479    2018-09-27



作者:马文江1, 李海胜2

作者单位:1. 北京科技大学自然科学基础实验中心, 北京 100083;
2. 北京科技大学国家材料服役安全科学中心, 北京 100083



随着管道工业的发展,管道安全性也越来越受到重视,落石冲击等第三方破坏已逐渐成为埋地管道失效破坏的主要因素。关于落石冲击作用下埋地管道的动态响应的数值模拟研究较多,而试验方面的研究特别是现场试验并不多见。首先搭建可用于落石冲击下埋地管道动态响应试验研究的试验平台,进而基于此试验平台针对埋地输气管道在不同高度下的落石冲击响应进行现场试验研究。研究表明,随着落石高度的增加,落石冲击时间稍有增加,管道应变及沉降量逐渐增加,在落石能量约为56.84 kJ时,管道顶面落石冲击点区域附近出现塑性变形。相关结果可以为输气管道的安全铺设及安全评估提供参考。

Experimental study on rockfall impact response of buried gas pipeline

MA Wenjiang1, LI Haisheng2

1. Basic Experimental Center for Natural Science, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China;
2. National Center for Materials Service Safety, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China

Abstract: With the development of pipeline industry, pipeline safety receives more and more attention, and third-party damage such as rockfall impact gradually becomes the main factor of buried pipeline failure and damage. Many researches have been conducted on the numerical simulation about the dynamic response of the buried pipeline under rockfall impact, while rarely seen experimental study on this subject, especially field tests. A test platform for research of dynamic response of buried pipeline under rockfall impact is firstly established in present paper, based on this platform, field experimental study on rockfall impact responses of buried pipeline at different heights is carried out. Results show that, with the increment of the rock height, the rockfall impact time is slightly increased, as well as the pipeline strain and settlement of the pipeline. When rockfall impact energy is 56.84 kJ, plastic strain is appeared in at the top of the pipeline around impact location. Relevant results in the present paper can be an important reference for safety laying and evaluation of the buried gas pipeline.

Keywords: rockfall impact;gas pipelines;structural safety;experimental investigation

2018, 44(9): 23-28  收稿日期: 2018-04-07;收到修改稿日期: 2018-05-09

基金项目: 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(FRF-TP-14-030A1)

作者简介: 马文江(1971-),男,河北东光县人,高级工程师,主要研究方向为疲劳振动


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