
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>商用车和挂车气压行车制动反应时间测试研究


3241    2018-02-27



作者:孙勇, 李飞, 许志光

作者单位:中国汽车技术研究中心, 天津 300300



行车制动反应时间是评价气压制动系统响应特性的重要指标,决定着行车制动的安全性。该文分析制动管路、部件布置和管路气压3个关键因素对制动反应时间的影响,基于ECE R13法规和GB 12676标准阐述商用车和挂车制动反应时间的测试方法,测试方法体现两者的不同,挂车反应时间测试需要单独额外的模拟装置。该文分别选用商用机动车(牵引汽车)和挂车相关测试样车,重点阐述气压行车制动反应时间的测试流程及注意事项,对数据处理的具体过程做详细解释。测试数据表明:商用车和挂车两测试样车的行车制动反应时间均符合ECE R13法规和GB 12676标准的要求,对进一步完善制动系统测试评价提供基础。

Research on service braking response time testing for commercial vehicles and trailers equipped with air braking systems

SUN Yong, LI Fei, XU Zhiguang

China Automotive Technology and Research Center, Tianjin 300300, China

Abstract: Service brake response time is an important index of the air braking system response characteristic directly determining the safety of the service braking system. Three key factors such as braking pipe, component arrangement and pipeline pressure that influence the braking response time are analyzed. Based on ECE Regulation 13 and GB 12676 standard, the test method of commercial vehicles and trailer brake response time is described; the test method reflects the difference between of them, and the trailer response time test requires a separate additional simulation device. The article selected commercial motor vehicle (tractor) and trailer as test prototype, focusing on the test flow and precautions of the response time of the pneumatic braking system, and explains the concrete process of the data processing. The test data shows that the response time of the commercial vehicle and the trailer are in accordance with the requirements of the ECE R13 regulations and the GB 12676 standard, which provides the basis for further improving the braking system testing and evaluation.

Keywords: air braking;service braking;response time;test

2018, 44(2): 26-30  收稿日期: 2017-05-27;收到修改稿日期: 2017-07-02


作者简介: 孙勇(1987-),男,山东泰安市人,工程师,硕士,研究方向为整车道路试验及主动安全测试评价。


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