
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>磁悬浮效应微扭矩传感器校准仪设计


2108    2016-01-18



作者:徐君1, 朱颖1, 潘万苗1, 应献1, 葛荣杰2

作者单位:1. 国家电机及机械零部件产品质量监督检验中心, 浙江 台州 318000;
2. 94782部队, 浙江 杭州 310021

关键词:校准仪; 微小扭矩测量; 磁悬浮结构; 纯扭矩加载; 垂直放置



Design of micro-torque sensor calibrator based on magnetic suspending effect

XU Jun1, ZHU Ying1, PAN Wan-miao1, YING Xian1, GE Rong-jie2

1. National Center of Supervision and Inspection on Electric Machinery and Mechanical Components Products Quality, Taizhou 318000, China;
2. 94782 Unit of PLA, Hangzhou 310021, China

Abstract: Micro-torque sensor which is used in the field of micro torque measurement,has the properties of high measurement precision, high resolution and small uncertainty. Traditional calibrator, which adopts the structure of cantilever and weight, has the advantages of simple structure and good stability. But it also has the disadvantage of frictional torque, can not satisfy the calibration of small torque sensors. A new micro torque sensor calibrator has been designed, which is based on traditional structure of cantilever and weight. It adopts magnetic suspending structure, pure torque-lording and light composite materials, and the torque sensor is vertically placed, which greatly eliminates interfering factors such as frictional torque and hugely improves the measurement precision.

Keywords: Calibrator; Micro torque measurement; Magnetic suspending structure; Pure torque-loading; Vertically place

2010, 36(2): 94-96  收稿日期: 2009-5-12;收到修改稿日期: 2009-8-6


作者简介: 徐君(1983-),男,浙江台州市人,工学硕士,专业方向为精密机械设计与检测。


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