
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>一种计算三芯电力电缆表面磁场的解析方法


3022    2017-05-12



作者:李世松1, 袁燕岭2, 董杰2, 甘景福2, 黄松岭1, 赵伟1

作者单位:1. 清华大学电机系, 北京 100084;
2. 国网唐山供电公司, 河北 唐山 063000




An analytical method for calculating the surface magnetic field for three-core electrical power cables

LI Shisong1, YUAN Yanling2, DONG Jie2, GAN Jingfu2, HUANG Songling1, ZHAO Wei1

1. Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China;
2. Tangshan Electrical Power Company, Tangshan 063000, China

Abstract: Since the sum currents of three phases in the three-core cable is zero in steady state, traditional inductive current measurement methods, a current transformer, cannot measure the phase current. In order to solve this problem, this paper developed an analytical method for calculating the magnetic field on the surface of a three-core cable based on Maxwell equations which can be used for the generalized core contribution case rather than a symmetrical condition. Based on this analytical method, the phase current of the three-core cable can be represented by measurements of the magnetic field on the cable surface. The finite element simulations show that the presented analytical method has a good accuracy, and can be employed in future to realize an online power cable monitoring system.

Keywords: electrical power cable;magnetic field calculation;analytical model;current measurement

2017, 43(4): 95-99  收稿日期: 2016-10-13;收到修改稿日期: 2016-11-19


作者简介: 李世松(1987-),男,山东昌乐县人,主要从事现代电磁测量和电磁计量方法研究。


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