
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>基于空气耦合超声导波法对开闭器水层厚度的研究


2895    2019-09-29



作者:常俊杰1,2, 曾雪峰1

作者单位:1. 南昌航空大学 无损检测技术教育部重点实验室, 江西 南昌 330063;
2. 日本探头株式会社, 横滨 232-0033




Research on water depth of switch on column based on air-coupled ultrasonic guided wave
CHANG Junjie1,2, ZENG Xuefeng1
1. Key Laboratory of Nondestructive Testing, Ministry of Education, Nanchang Hangkong University, Nanchang 330063, China;
2. Japan Probe Co., Ltd., Yokohama 232-0033, Japan
Abstract: Aiming at the problem that leakage of electricity in the process of traditional contact ultrasonic detection of water layer thickness of high-voltage wire pole switch, a non-contact air-coupled ultrasonic guided wave technology is proposed to measure the water layer thickness of the switch. Simulated the guided wave propagation process in the water of the switch and calculated the thickness of the water layer. A laboratory platform was set up, and the thickness of the water layer was controlled, the echo signal was analyzed and the water layer thickness was calculated by changing the distance between the transducers. Then, the distance between transducers was controlled, the thickness of water layer was changed, the echo signal was analyzed and the thickness of water layer was calculated. The relationship between simulation and experiment is obtained by using geometric acoustics to calculate the thickness of water layer. The results of simulation and experiment are highly consistent, which verifies the feasibility and accuracy of the air-coupled ultrasonic guided wave method for measuring the thickness of water layer in the switch and provides a new method for measuring the thickness of water layer in the opener and closer. It provides a new development for air-coupled ultrasound.
Keywords: air coupled ultrasound;guided wave;switch;water layer thickness
2019, 45(9):27-32  收稿日期: 2018-11-14;收到修改稿日期: 2018-12-12
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(11464030);无损检测技术教育部重点实验室(南昌航空大学)开放基金课题(F010404)
作者简介: 常俊杰(1964-),辽宁大连市人,副教授,博士,主要从事超声无损检测的应用技术研究及检测设备的研发等工作
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