
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>热模态试验系统高温振动校准测试装置设计


1239    2022-06-22



作者:黄成1, 郑凯2, 倪博3, 承磊3, 沈惠峰3

作者单位:1. 中国航发上海商用航空发动机制造有限责任公司,上海 201306;
2. 上海航天精密机械研究所,上海 201600;
3. 上海精密计量测试研究所,上海 201109




Design of calibration test device of vibration acceleration amplitude of thermal modal test system under high temperature
HUANG Cheng1, ZHENG Kai2, NI Bo3, CHENG Lei3, SHEN Huifeng3
1. AECC Shanghai Commercial Aero Engine Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201306, China;
2. Shanghai Spaceflight Precision Machinery Institute, Shanghai 201600, China;
3. Shanghai Precision Metrology & Test Research Institute, Shanghai 201109, China
Abstract: According to the in-situ calibration requirements of laser vibrometer for the plate-style thermal modal test system, the study on in-situ calibration test method of the vibration acceleration amplitude under high temperature environment of the test system is carried out. Based on vibration standard method calibration technology, standard vibration acceleration amplitude signal is provided, and a ceramic transfer rod capable of transmitting the vibration signal at normal temperature to high temperature environment is developed, and a heat insulation device capable of effectively isolating the influence of high temperature on the standard vibration signal is developed. Then, an in-situ calibration device for the amplitude of the high temperature environment is finally established. By analyzing the thermal deformation of ceramic transfer rod and calibrating the transfer coefficient of ceramic transfer rod, it is ensured that the calibration test device meets the calibration requirements and the expanded uncertainty is better than 3%. The in-situ calibration test of the plate-style thermal modal test system is carried out by using the device. The results show that this device can realize the traceability of the measurement of the amplitude of the vibration acceleration under high temperature environment of the plate-style thermal modal test system, and ensure the accuracy and reliability of the test data.
Keywords: vibration acceleration amplitude;ceramic transfer rod;heat insulation device;in-situ calibration
2022, 48(6):117-122  收稿日期: 2021-06-23;收到修改稿日期: 2021-08-30
基金项目: 上海市协同创新发展项目(2020-jmrh2-kj3)
作者简介: 黄成(1983-),男,江苏盐城市人,工程师,研究方向为航空计量测试
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