
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>混凝土聚能穿孔弹的试验研究


1840    2018-10-29



作者:黄魁, 王励自, 何翔

作者单位:军事科学院国防工程研究院, 河南 洛阳 471023



为解决在混凝土中快速钻孔与爆破问题,研制一种混凝土聚能穿孔弹,分别在边长1 m的立方体混凝土靶板和2.5 m2 m的圆柱体混凝土靶板中进行穿孔试验。试验结果发现,所研制的穿孔弹可以将立方体靶板直接破碎成若干小块;而在圆柱体靶板中,穿孔弹可以形成一个均匀、平直的炮孔,直径40 mm以上的炮孔深度为1.7 m,炮孔的形态和尺寸均满足钻孔爆破的技术要求。穿孔弹可改变传统的爆破施工工艺,用于救援行动中快速清除混凝土障碍物。

Experimental investigations of shaped charge perforator for drilling concrete

HUANG Kui, WANG Lizi, HE Xiang

The Defense Engineering Institute of Academy of Military Sciences PLA China, Luoyang 471023, China

Abstract: In order to solve the problems of rapid drilling and demolition of concrete obstacles, a shaped charge perforator was developed to perforate a borehole in concrete materials for explosive columns. Experiments were conducted to investigate the penetration effects of perforator into two types of concrete targets, the size of the concrete targets utilized was 1 m×1 m×1 m and φ2.5 m×2.0 m respectively. It is demonstrated that the smaller cube target has broken into several pieces by the hypervelocity jets, while in the large-scale cylindrical concrete target, a straight hole of desired diameter has been found, the penetration depth of the blast hole was 1.7 m with diameter larger than 40 mm. The profile and size of the drilled hole could meet the requirements of drilling and blasting. The perforator was a novel drill tool that appeared to be technically feasible for breaching concrete block in rescue operation.

Keywords: shaped charge perforator;concrete target;penetration effect;borehole profile

2018, 1900-02-12(10): 96-100  收稿日期: 2018-05-26;收到修改稿日期: 2018-06-17


作者简介: 黄魁(1983-),男,河南商城县人,助理研究员,博士,主要从事毁伤效应与工程防护技术研究


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