
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>混频器变频损耗测试及拟合标校方法研究


2166    2018-12-27



作者:刘连照, 王道酉, 徐宙, 陈珺, 王小臻

作者单位:中国洛阳电子装备试验中心, 河南 洛阳 471003




Research on measuring and compensating for frequency conversion loss on mixer

LIU Lianzhao, WANG Daoyou, XU Zhou, CHEN Jun, WANG Xiaozhen

Luoyang Electronic Equipment Test Center of China, Luoyang 471003, China

Abstract: In order to reduce the influence of frequency conversion loss test error on the spectrum measurement system, based on the analysis and comparison of the existing test methods and the source of the error, a new test method with higher testing precision was proposed by introducing a matching network model. Using linear polynomial fitting, Gaussian fitting and Fourier fitting to the mesured data, the appropriate data fitting method can be selected according to the discriminant approach, which can reduce the fitting error of frequency conversion loss in the system and improve the measurement precision of the spectrum measurement system. This method was suitable for the precise testing and auotomatic matching of frequency conversion loss.

Keywords: frequency conversion loss;mixer;matching model;polynomial fitting;Gaussian fitting;Fourier fitting

2018, 44(12): 107-110,128  收稿日期: 2018-03-06;收到修改稿日期: 2018-05-12


作者简介: 刘连照(1985-),男,河北沧州市人,工程师,主要从事无线电测试、雷达测试等工作


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