
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>温度校准仪热电偶档基于冷端补偿的校准方法研究


2104    2018-12-27



作者:陈旭, 孙力, 凌彦萃

作者单位:上海市计量测试技术研究院, 上海 201203



针对温度校准仪热电偶档的冷端补偿值受环境温度影响而引起其测量和输出误差变化的问题,提出一种温度校准仪基于冷端补偿的校准方法。首先通过寻找冷端补偿值进而测量其在不同环境温度下的冷端补偿误差,其次根据校准仪的工作原理建立测量和输出误差的数学模型,最后运用误差计算公式和校准仪在实验室20 ℃时的校准结果计算出其在不同环境温度时相应的测量和输出误差修正值。实验结果表明环境温度是影响温度校准仪测量和输出误差的重要因素。该方法简单、准确,弥补温度校准仪在实验室环境温度下校准所得误差值的局限性,对温度校准仪的现场计量结果修正及不确定度评定具有参考意义。

Research on calibration method for thermocouple-temperature calibrator based on cold junction compensation

CHEN Xu, SUN Li, LING Yancui

Shanghai Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology, Shanghai 201203, China

Abstract: Focusing on the problem that the error of thermocouple-temperature calibrator changes with the value of cold junction compensation effected by environmental temperature, the article proposes a calibration method for it. Firstly the errors of cold junction compensation at different working temperatures are measured by getting the values of cold junction compensation, and then the mathematical model of input and output errors are set up according to the working principal of temperature calibrator. At last the corresponding input and output errors of calibrator are calculated through utilizing the equations and calibration results obtained at laboratory ambient temperature. Proved by experiments ambient temperature is an important factor affecting the input and output errors of temperature calibrators. This method is simple and accurate. It overcomes the limitations of error gotten at laboratory ambient temperature and is very important to on-site measurementof temperature calibrator.

Keywords: thermocouple;temperature calibrator;cold junction compensation;output error

2018, 44(12): 96-100  收稿日期: 2018-09-05;收到修改稿日期: 2018-10-15


作者简介: 陈旭(1989-),女,河南漯河市人,工程师,硕士,主要从事环境试验设备及温度二次仪表的计量


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