
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>一种固体火箭发动机喷管摆动冷流缩比试验方法


2662    2016-01-16



作者:郭小帆, 杨晓慧, 何德胜, 李广武

作者单位:中国航天科技集团公司四院401所, 陕西 西安 710025

关键词:固体火箭发动机; 冷流缩比试验; 喷管摆动; 试验方法



Cold-flow testing of sub-scale model for swinging nozzle of solid-rocket engines

GUO Xiao-fan, YANG Xiao-hui, HE De-sheng, LI Guang-wu

The 401th Research Institute of the Fourth Academy of CASC, Xi'an 710025, China

Abstract: There are two questions in the characteristics test of diffuser with the swinging nozzle.Firstly, swinging nozzle is too difficult to achieve.Secondly, although the efficiency of ejector is high in the test which the ejector media is the steam or gas with high temperature and pressure, costly human and material resources are too hard to be adopted in the early development of the solid-rocket motor.To solve problems mentioned above, this paper presented a simplified test method that swinging diffuser is equivalent to swinging nozzle and cold air is used as the ejector media.The numerical results agree well with the available test data.The test method can be applied on the solid-rocket with swinging nozzle principle design because it is convenient, economical and practical.

Keywords: solid-rocket engine; cold-flow testing of sub-scale model; swinging nozzle; test method

2013, 39(5): 39-41  收稿日期: 2012-10-5;收到修改稿日期: 2012-12-13


作者简介: 郭小帆(1988-),男,陕西西安市人,助理工程师,硕士,主要从事航空航天科学与工程研究。


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