
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>稳瞄稳向系统FOG随机信号处理方法研究


2531    2016-01-18



作者:高伟伟1, 王广龙1, 高凤岐1, 高爽2, 贾波3

作者单位:1. 军械工程学院纳米技术与微系统实验室, 河北 石家庄 050003;
2. 北京航空航天大学仪器科学与光电工程学院, 北京 100191;
3. 西安市803厂军代室, 陕西 西安 710043

关键词:稳瞄稳向; FOG; 随机信号处理; Allan方差; 最小二乘法


为辨识稳瞄稳向系统中光纤陀螺(fiber optical gyro,FOG)主要噪声,研究基于Allan方差的FOG随机信号处理方法;在静态条件下,对稳瞄稳向系统三轴FOG输出信号进行数据采集,并进行Allan方差分析,通过最小二乘拟合,分别计算FOG 5个随机误差系数;经分析得出稳瞄稳向系统FOG输出信号主要噪声为速率随机游走与速率斜坡噪声。该研究可为简化稳瞄稳向系统误差模型,实现FOG噪声信号重点滤除,提高系统性能提供理论参考与依据。

Random signal processing method for FOG of stable targeting system

GAO Wei-wei1, WANG Guang-long1, GAO Feng-qi1, GAO Shuang2, JIA Bo3

1. Nanotechnology and Microsystems Laboratory, Ordnance Engineering College, Shijiazhuang 050003, China;
2. School of Instrument Science and Opto-electronics Engineering, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing 100191, China;
3. Military Representative Office of 803 Factory in Xi'an, Xi'an 710043, China

Abstract: In order to identify the random noise of FOG in stable targeting system, a random signal processing method of Allan variance was studied. Under static conditions, the signal of triaxial FOG was collected for analyzing with Allan variance. Five error coefficients of FOG were worked out through least squares fitting. After the error coefficients were analyzed, a conclusion is got that rate random walk and rate ramp are the main noise which make the signal out from FOG contaminated. The study will help to simplify the error model, achieve the FOG noise signal focus filter, and provide theory reference and basis to improve system performance.

Keywords: stable targeting; FOG; random signal processing; Allan variance; least squares

2014, 40(2): 98-100,104  收稿日期: 2013-3-5;收到修改稿日期: 2013-5-11


作者简介: 高伟伟(1986-),男,山西临汾市人,博士研究生,研究方向为微型测控系统。


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