
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>机动车超速监测系统现场测速误差检定装置研制


2483    2016-01-18




作者单位:云南省计量测试技术研究院, 云南 昆明 650228

关键词:机动车超速监测系统; 速度监测; 图像采集; 测量误差; 安全性



Development of verification device for on-site velocity measurement error of vehicle speed monitoring system

SONG Xue-qing

Yunnan Institute of Metrology and Testing Technology, Kunming 650228, China

Abstract: In order to accurately detect the velocity error of motor vehicle speed monitoring system, a high accuracy velocity measurement device was set up next to the vehicle speed monitoring system. The device is able to carry out synchronous measurement and synchronous image acquisition on the social vehicles in the area of equal speed monitoring and image acquisition. Based on a target velocity source of social vehicles, the vehicle speed monitoring system was verified and calibrated by comparing the two velocity values between the target vehicle and measured vehicle. In order to verify the linearity and error of the measured velocity values of the monitoring system, the proposed verification device is able to measure as many samples of social vehicles as possible and comparatively analyze the measured velocity values around the limited value. The device is easy to install and convenient to use. It can significantly improve the efficiency of verification and operational safety.

Keywords: vehicle speed monitoring system; speed monitoring; image acquisition; measurement error; safety

2014, 40(3): 71-74  收稿日期: 2013-10-9;收到修改稿日期: 2013-12-1


作者简介: 宋学青(1963-),女,贵州黄平县人,高级工程师,主要从事机动车检测设备计量检测、自动化仪表与标准研究。


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