
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>硫酸铁铵滴定法测定高钛型高炉渣中的钛


2477    2016-01-18



作者:马光强, 邹敏, 王琪琳

作者单位:攀枝花学院生化学院, 四川 攀枝花 617000

关键词:滴定法; 钛; 高钛型高炉渣; 硫酸铁铵


针对高炉渣反应活性差、熔样困难等特点,采用将炉渣粒度球磨至120目以下,硼酸和碳酸钠(2+1)作熔剂,900℃下熔融20 min,在瓷坩埚中铺垫石墨的方式来代替铂坩埚熔融样品,然后用硫酸(=10%)加热浸取熔块,铝还原Fe3+消除干扰,最后用硫酸铁铵滴定法测定钛含量。该方法用于高炉渣中钛的测定,相对标准偏差RSD(n=5)为0.41%~0.75%,加料回收率为98.6%~101.5%,能满足测定要求。

Determination of titanium content in high-Ti-bearing blast-furnace slag with ammonium ferric sulfate titration

MA Guang-qiang, ZOU Min, WANG Qi-lin

Institute of Biological and Chemical Engineering, Panzhihua University, Panzhihua 617000, China

Abstract: For low activity and the poor solubility of BF slag, the BF slag is treated by ball-milling to make the particle size is less than 120 meshes. Using boric acid and sodium carbonate (2+1) as fusing reagents, paving graphite in the porcelain crucible instead of platinum crucible as fusing vessel, the BF slag was melted 20 min at 900℃, then leached with sulfuric acid (φ=10%) under the condition of heating. This method gives satisfactory results with a relative standard deviation (n=5) of 0.41%~0.75% and recovery of standard addition of 98.6%~101.5% for determining the content of titanium of the standard sample. So it can meet the requirement of determination.

Keywords: titration; titanium; high-Ti-bearing blast-furnace slag; ammonium ferric sulfate

2014, 40(3): 48-49,60  收稿日期: 2013-7-19;收到修改稿日期: 2013-9-2


作者简介: 马光强(1977-),男,四川泸县人,副教授,硕士,主要从事钛冶金与金属元素化学分析。


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