
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>基于FPGA的智能高精度频率测量设计


2796    2016-01-18



作者:王彦东, 邵英, 王黎明, 肖雄波

作者单位:海军工程大学电气与信息工程学院, 湖北 武汉 430033

关键词:仪器仪表技术; 双同步测频法; FPGA; 频率



Design of intelligent precision frequency measurement based on FPGA

WANG Yan-dong, SHAO Ying, WANG Li-ming, XIAO Xiong-bo

Institute of Electrical and Information Engineering, Navy University of Engineering, Wuhan 430033, China

Abstract: For improving the accuracy and intellectualization of the frequency and minimizing test time, a method to measure the frequency based on the signal to be measured which can choose the testing program intelligently was proposed. By controlling the signal generated by the clock and the test signal through the gate delay combining FPGA and gates 74LS series, the frequency of the signal to be measured can conduct theoretical analysis, circuit simulation and FPGA hardware implementation. Simulation and test results show that this method can solve the problem of measurement accuracy and adaptively select testing program based on the measured signal for improving precision, reducing the time requirements, reducing the labor involved in largely.

Keywords: instrumentation technology; dual synchronous; FPGA; frequency

2014, 40(4): 119-123  收稿日期: 2013-7-29;收到修改稿日期: 2013-9-24


作者简介: 王彦东(1990-),男,河南西华县人,硕士研究生,专业方向为电能质量检测。


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