
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>工业热电阻自动检定系统的软件设计与开发


2801    2015-05-11



作者:廖艳, 付志勇, 韩志鑫

作者单位:中国测试技术研究院, 四川 成都 610021



为满足工业热电阻自动检定需求,通过对工业热电阻检定系统和检定方法的分析,设计和开发一套工业热电阻自动检定系统软件.以.NET Framework 4.0为开发平台,采用C/S结构以及C#开发语言完成系统软件的设计与实现.经测试,该软件能实现自动控温、自动判断恒温条件、自动采集和记录测量数据、自动计算、自动生成原始记录和证书,并且能完成标准器、检定人员、原始记录以及证书的有效管理.

Software design and development for auto-verification system of industry resistance thermometers

LIAO Yan, FU Zhiyong, HAN Zhixin

National Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology, Chengdu 610021, China

Abstract: In order to meet the automatic verification requirements of industry resistance thermometers, a set of auto-verification system software for industry resistance thermometer was designed and developed after analyzing the verification systems and verification methods of the industry resistance thermometers. Taking.Net Framework 4.0 as a development platform, it used C/S architecture and C# programming language to complete the software design and implementation. Tests indicated that the software was capable of realizing automatic temperature control, automatic judgment of constant temperature conditions, automatic acquisition and record of measurement data, automatic calculation, automatic generation of original records and certificates, and effective management of standard apparatuses, verification personnel, original records and certificates.

Keywords: industry resistance thermometer;automatic temperature control;automatic data acquisition;auto-verification system

2015, 41(4): 77-80  收稿日期: 2014-10-9;收到修改稿日期: 2014-12-18


作者简介: 廖 艳(1982-),女,四川内江市人,工程师,硕士,主要从事温度计量工作.


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