
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>基于WSN和COMWAY协议温室大棚参数远程监控系统设计


2975    2015-07-06



作者:张青春, 邹士航, 王燕

作者单位:淮阴工学院电子与电气工程学院, 江苏 淮安 223003

关键词:WSN;GPRS DTU;COMWAY协议;温室大棚;远程监控


针对传统温室大棚参数监控的现状, 将WSN、GPRS技术和COMWAY通信协议应用于玻璃温室大棚参数远程监控系统, 设计专用WSN节点, 实现温室土壤温湿度、空气温湿度和光强监测与控制功能。现场监测数据通过WSN节点、ZigBee-GPRS网关和Internet网络上传到远程计算机进行实时显示和处理。采用COMWAY虚拟串口技术, 实现现场调节设备和远程计算机之间的无线对接。经组网调试, 系统性能稳定可靠, 测量数据准确, 具有较高的性价比和推广应用价值。

Design of greenhouse parameters remote monitoring system based on WSN and COMWAY protocol

ZHANG Qingchun, ZOU Shihang, WANG Yan

Electronic and Electrical Engineering Faculty of Huaiyin Institute of Technology, Huaian 223003, China

Abstract: In view of the existing circumstances of traditional greenhouse parameters monitoring status, the WSN, GPRS technology and COMWAY communication protocol have been applied in the remote monitoring system of glass greenhouse parameters. The WSN nodes were designed to monitor and control the temperature and humidity of the soil and the air as well as the light intensity. Field monitoring data were uploaded to a remote computer to be displayed and processed in time through the WSN nodes, ZigBee-GPRS gateway and Internet network. The field regulating equipment was wirelessly docked with the remote computer through the COMWAY virtual serial port. The network debugging indicates that this system is reliable and stable with accurate measurement data, high cost performance and applicable value.

Keywords: WSN;GPRS DTU;COMWAY protocol;greenhouse;remote monitoring

2015, 41(6): 72-75  收稿日期: 2014-10-15;收到修改稿日期: 2014-12-9

基金项目: 江苏省淮安市科技创新载体平台建设项目(HAP201107)江苏省大学生创新实践计划(201311049029)

作者简介: 张青春(1964-),男,教授,研究方向为自动检测技术、无线传感器及其网络技术、智能仪器设计与虚拟仪器技术等。


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