
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>底盘测量仪研制及标定分析


3106    2015-07-06



作者:胡鹏浩, 朱良, 赵鹏

作者单位:合肥工业大学, 安徽 合肥 230009



提出一种快速检测汽车底盘制造和修复精度的测量方法并研发仪器样机。运用5参数MDH建模方法构建测量模型和测量误差模型, 根据底盘结构及尺寸的特点专门研制三维球列实体标定物, 以高斯-牛顿法来辨识系统结构参数, 从而完成仪器结构参数的标定。实验结果表明:与标定前相比仪器精度有显著提高, 该标定方法合理有效。

Development and calibration of automobile chassis measuring instruments

HU Penghao, ZHU Liang, ZHAO Peng

Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China

Abstract: A measuring method and measuring prototype for quickly detecting the manufacturing and repairing accuracy of automobile chassis have been presented in the paper. Kinematic models and measurement error models were established with the 5-parameter MDH method. A 3D ball grid array was developed in accordance with the chassis structures and sizes. The traditional Gauss-Newton iterated algorithm was adopted to identify the system structure parameters so as to calibrate the instrument structure parameters. The experimental results have shown that the calibration method is reasonable and effective and has promoted the accuracy of the measuring instruments.

Keywords: chassis measurement;calibration;5-parameter MDH model;3D ball grid array

2015, 41(6): 60-63,80  收稿日期: 2014-10-13;收到修改稿日期: 2015-1-27

基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(51175140)高校博士点基金项目(20130111110021)

作者简介: 胡鹏浩(1968-),男,安徽合肥市人,教授,博士生导师,主要从事精密仪器设计及制造领域的教学和科研工作。


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