
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>标准铂电阻使用方法在热电阻检定与温度测量中的差异研究


2951    2015-07-06




作者单位:中国测试技术研究院, 四川 成都 610021



就标准铂电阻温度计在热电阻检定与温度测量中的使用方法问题, 以国内现行规范和专家的论断为讨论背景, 采用理论计算和数据结果对比分析的方法进行研究。通过以标称电阻值(Rtp)为25 与100 的标准铂电阻, 不同允差等级的电测仪器, 不同的温度测量与工业热电阻检定方法, 得到有意义的数据, 辨别和证明国内规范及专家论据的一个误区。对改善工业热电阻检定方法的科学性和提高检定结果的准确性, 具有较大的经济和社会价值。

Study on the difference of standard platinum resistance used in thermal resistance verification and temperature measuremen

CHEN Guisheng

National Institute of Measurement and Testing Techology, Chengdu 610021, China

Abstract: The paper involves the study on the usage of standard platinum resistance thermometers in thermal resistance verification and temperature measurement by comparatively analyzing the theoretical calculation with the data results based on the existing specifications and the experts' conclusions in China. By nominal resistance value(Rtp) for 25 Ω and 100 Ω standard platinum resistance, different tolerance levels of electrical measuring instruments were employed to measure the temperature and verify the industrial thermal resistance by means of different methods and standard platinum resistances with the nominal resistance value(Rtp) of 25 Ω and 100 Ω. The meaningful data obtained has identified and proved one misunderstanding in domestic specifications and experts' arguments. The study has great economic and social value in promoting the scientific verification method of industrial thermal resistances and enhancing the accuracy of the detection results.

Keywords: temperature metrology;standard platinum resistance thermometer;thermal resistance;verification;error;uncertainty

2015, 41(6): 22-25,33  收稿日期: 2015-2-15;收到修改稿日期: 2015-3-21


作者简介: 陈桂生(1953-),男,山东东明县人,研究员,主要从事温度计量技术研究。


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