
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>平板式和滚筒反力式制动检验台检测影响因素对比分析


2810    2015-09-09



作者:李树珉, 张建生, 陈成法, 王龙, 张阳

作者单位:军事交通学院军用车辆系, 天津 300161




Comparative analysis of impact factors on flat plate and anti-force rolling brake testing platform tests

LI Shumin, ZHANG Jiansheng, CHEN Chengfa, WANG Long, ZHANG Yang

Military Vehicle Department, Military Transportation University, Tianjin 300161, China

Abstract: In this paper, the working principle analysis and the actual vehicle test were carried out on the plate brake testing platform and anti-force rolling brake testing platform, and the influence of various factors on test results was analyzed for plate and anti-force rolling brake testing platforms. The analysis and experimental results show the load and the adhesion rate have a greater impact on test results of the plate and the roller opposite force type brake testing platforms, the adhesion rate more significantly affected the test results of the plate brake tester. As this study show, the related factors have different effects on the test results of two kinds of test equipments. It is a good reference for selecting brake testing method.

Keywords: plate brake testing platform;anti-force rolling brake testing platform;brake test;adhesion rate

2015, 41(8): 125-128  收稿日期: 2014-6-23;收到修改稿日期: 2014-9-26


作者简介: 李树珉(1964-),男,天津市人,高级工程师,硕士生导师,研究方向为汽车检测。


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