
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>核磁共振技术检测钚复合构件


2947    2015-09-09



作者:苟振志1,2, 何彬1, 赵尚文2, 钟依禄2, 李俊3, 喻凤梅1

作者单位:1. 第二炮兵工程大学, 陕西 西安 710025;
2. 96421部队, 陕西 宝鸡 721012;
3. 第二炮兵装备研究院, 北京 100085




Nuclear magnetic resonance technique for detection of plutonium component

GOU Zhenzhi1,2, HE Bin1, ZHAO Shangwen2, ZHONG Yilu2, LI Jun3, YU Fengmei1

1. Second Artillery Engineering University, Xi'an 710025, China;
2. Troops No.96421, Baoji 721012, China;
3. The Second Artillery Equipment Research Institute, Beijing 100085, China

Abstract: In this paper, the simulation calculation is used to test the magnetic field fall under the shell layers of the steel-beryllium-plutonium composite balloon subassembly and the distribution of the magnetic field in the objection sample in different magnetic strength fields. The result shows that the magnetic field strength and permeability are different for complex metal structure of the magnetic field-distribution. In general, the larger the magnetic induction intensity is, the smaller the ball shell permeability, the greater the magnetic field strength. the best measure effect in the experiment was obtained when the magnetic field strength of 10T was operated. The results of comparing the simulation results of magnetic field distribution of defects in the sample with the experiment results shows that the researching cracks and other defects is feasible through the magnetic field component in the bubbles.

Keywords: nuclear magnetic resonance;plutonium components;flux measure;simulation calculation

2015, 41(8): 113-117  收稿日期: 2014-10-11;收到修改稿日期: 2014-11-28

基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(51271198,A040103)

作者简介: 苟振志(1978-),男,四川通江县人,工程师,博士,主要从事无损探伤及状态监测研究。


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