
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>氟硅酸钾沉淀-酸碱滴定法测定超低碳碳化稻壳中二氧化硅


2670    2015-09-09



作者:董礼男, 朱春要, 张良芬, 年季强

作者单位:江苏省沙钢钢铁研究院分析测试中心, 江苏 张家港 215625




Determination of silicon dioxide in ultra-low carbon carbonised rice husk by potassium fluosilicate precipitation-acid-base titration method

DONG Li'nan, ZHU Chunyao, ZHANG Liangfen, NIAN Jiqiang

Analysis and Characterization Center, Institute of Research of Iron and Steel, Zhangjiagang 215625, China

Abstract: A simple and accurate way was proposed to determine the content of silicon dioxide in ultra-low carbon samples based on potassium fluosilicate titration. The samples were molted in potassium hydroxide in a nickel or silver crucible to generate potassium silicate; the product was placed into a strong acid solution with excess potassium chloride or potassium oxalate and then added with potassium fluoride solution to obtain potassium siliofluoride precipitation. Afterwards, the content of silicon dioxide was acquired by performing the following steps: draw, filter, wash, and then dissolve into boiling water; use bromothymol blue and phenol red as a mixed indicator; and titrate, hydrolyze sodium hydroxide standard solution. Moreover, relevant factors, such as sample-melting method, interference elements, settling time, temperature control, and indicator selection, were optimized. This method showed high accuracy and precision. The relative standard deviation (RSD) of precision was less than 0.20% (n=6) and consistent with those obtained by classic gravimetric method.

Keywords: carbonised rice husk;potassium hydroxide;potassium fluosilicate;titration;silicon dioxide

2015, 41(8): 48-51  收稿日期: 2015-1-11;收到修改稿日期: 2015-2-17


作者简介: 董礼男(1988-),女,辽宁丹东市人,助理工程师,主要从事冶金湿法分析工作。


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