
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>基于阿贝误差补偿光路的水准标尺检定装置及不确定度分析


2938    2015-11-06



作者:李文一, 程增杰

作者单位:中国地震局第一监测中心, 天津 300180



现行有效的JJG 81991《水准标尺》要求以激光波长作为长度基准,使用激光干涉检定器对因瓦水准标尺进行检定。检定3 m长的水准标尺,若照准部不动而标尺移动,需要6 m长的导轨。为缩短导轨长度,降低加工难度,采用标尺固定而照准部移动的检定装置,可有效地将导轨长度由6 m缩短至3 m。由于不满足阿贝原则,检定装置设计基于阿贝误差补偿光路的结构,实现对阿贝误差的消减。该装置补偿性能的实测结果表明:利用光学补偿的方法极大地消减阿贝误差。米间隔长度平均值不确定度的评定结果表明:该装置可以满足水准标尺检定规程中对检定装置的相关要求。该补偿光路也可用于其他长度测量系统。

Verification device of leveling staff based on the optical compensation for Abbe error and uncertainty analysis

LI Wenyi, CHENG Zengjie

First Crust Monitoring and Application Center, CEA, Tianjin 300180, China

Abstract: The current effective verifacation regulation JJG 8——1991 Level Rod requires the use the laser wavelength as length standard. If the collimation part is immobile and the leveling staff is mobile, a 6-meter long linear guide is needed to verify a 3-meter long leveling staff. In order to shorten the length of the guide and reduce the mechanical processing difficulty,uses the equipment with mobile collimation and immobile leveling staff, to effectively cut the length of the guild from 6 m to 3 m. Because the verification device cannot meet the requirements of the Abbe principle, an optical compensation structure is designed to reduce the Abbe error. The results of the compensation performance of the device shows that the Abbe error is reduced effectively. The analysis of the uncertainty of average length of one meter intervals shows that the device can meet the requirements of Level Rod,and the optical compensation structure can be used in other lenghth testing systems.

Keywords: dual-frequency laser interferometer;leveling staff;Abbe error;the compensation for Abbe error;uncertainty

2015, 41(10): 34-38  收稿日期: 2015-02-13;收到修改稿日期: 2015-04-20

基金项目: 中国地震局地震研究所所长基金(IS201366008)

作者简介: 李文一(1978-),女,天津市人,工程师,主要从事测绘仪器检定方法的研究与检定装置的研制,及自动化开形变监测系统研制。


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