
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>工业铂热电阻不同检定方法检定结果可信度研究


2563    2016-01-22



作者:陈桂生, 付志勇, 朱育红, 赵晶, 杨锐

作者单位:中国测试技术研究院, 四川成都 610021

关键词:工业铂热电阻; 检定; 标准铂电阻; 电测仪器; 水三相点; 不确定度;


根据JJG 2292010《工业铂、铜热电阻》规定的技术条件,在标准铂电阻温度计Rtp*采用自测值和直接引用上级证书值时,对使用3个不同等级电测仪器的测量结果进行评定。评定数据结果表明:在相同测量条件下,自测Rtp*值检定结果的不确定度比用上级证书Rtp*值的检定结果不确定度大30%~100%,自测Rtp*值并没有减小检定结果不确定度。

Study on credibility of industrial platinum resistance measurement results of different verification methods

CHEN Gui-sheng, FU Zhi-yong, ZHU Yu-hong, ZHAO Jing, YANG Rui

National Institute of Measurement and Testing Techology, Chengdu 610021, China

Abstract: Based on the technical conditions prescribed verification regulation JJG 229——2010,in standard platinum resistance thermometer Rtp* use self-test values and direct reference to the higher certificate, the use of three different levels of electrical measuring instrument measurements were evaluated. Assessment results can be seen from the data:under the same measurement conditions, uncertainty in self-test test Rtp* values much higher than the test results with a certificate Rtp* value uncertainty,self-test Rtp* value does not decrease test uncertainty.

Keywords: industry platinum resistance; verification; standard platinum resistance; electrical measuring instruments; triple point of water; uncertainty

2014, 40(6): 17-21  收稿日期: 2014-2-7;收到修改稿日期: 2014-4-4


作者简介: 陈桂生(1953-),男,山东东明县人,研究员,主要从事温度计量技术研究。


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