
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>红外导引头视线角速率精度测试方法研究


3508    2018-09-27



作者:周永恒, 崔少辉, 方丹

作者单位:陆军工程大学石家庄校区, 河北 石家庄 050003




Research on accuracy test method of line of sight angle rate for infrared seeker

ZHOU Yongheng, CUI Shaohui, FANG Dan

Shijiazhuang Campus of the Army Engineering University, Shijiazhuang 050003, China

Abstract: In this paper, according to the test requirements of the infrared imaging seeker test and evaluation, combined with the semi-physical simulation idea, an accuracy test method of line of sight angle rate for infrared seeker is proposed. The semi-physical simulation system is used to provide the seeker with a test environment close to the battlefield conditions. The simulation data is collected in real time to calculate the line of sight angle rate accuracy. Then, a simulation test of a certain seeker is carried out and the measuring error is analyzed. The results show that the proposed method can accurately measure the line of sight angle rate accuracy via the infrared seeker under laboratory conditions and provide an effective measuring method for performance evaluation of the infrared seeker in an actual combat.

Keywords: infrared seeker;line of sight angle rate accuracy;semi-physical simulation;error analysis

2018, 44(9): 39-43  收稿日期: 2018-01-27;收到修改稿日期: 2018-02-28


作者简介: 周永恒(1994-),男,四川资阳市人,硕士研究生,专业方向为装备仿真测试、分析


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