
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>油气管道漏磁检测缺陷区域的分段识别方法


3180    2017-12-04




作者单位:电力规划设计总院, 北京 100120




Segmentation identification method for defect area of MFL detection of oil and gas pipelines

CHEN Junjie

Electric Power Planning & Engineering Institute, Beijing 100120, China

Abstract: In order to solve the problem of the huge data of oil and gas pipelines magnetic flux leakage(MFL) detection, it is necessary to research a method to identify the target defect area to be solved from the MFL detection signals quickly. Based on the finite element simulation method, the characteristics of three-dimensional magnetic flux leakage detection signal for oil and gas pipelines are studied. Then, the detection data is processed with segmentation and threshold interception, and a segmentation method is proposed to identify the defect area quickly and properly. The experiment results based on real oil and gas pipelines demonstrate that the method can identify the pipeline defect area accurately, containing the defect and its nearby region without excess of irrelevant areas. Therefore, the proposed method can control the data quantity of the subsequent processing effectively.

Keywords: MFL detection;defect identification;segmentation processing;threshold interception;oil and gas pipelines

2017, 43(11): 1-7  收稿日期: 2017-02-09;收到修改稿日期: 2017-04-23


作者简介: 陈俊杰(1988-),男,安徽六安市人,工程师,博士,主要从事现代电磁检测方法、电力系统相关问题研究。


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