
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>薯蓣皂素标准物质的研制


2807    2017-12-04



作者:兰韬1, 董跟来2, 初侨1, 刘文1, 杨丽1, 王鹤妍1, 王尉3, 席兴军1

作者单位:1. 中国标准化研究院, 北京 100191;
2. 亚东信基(北京)农产品有限公司, 北京 100125;
3. 北京市理化分析测试中心, 北京 100089



按照JJF 10061994《一级标准物质技术规范》的要求,建立薯蓣皂素标准物质的研制方法。采用IR、UV、MS和NMR等方法对薯蓣皂素标准物质进行定性分析,以高效液相色谱方法进行均匀性和稳定性检验,通过8家实验室的联合定值,完成结果的数据分析。结果表明:该标准物质的均匀性和稳定性良好,定值结果为98.9%,置信度为95%的不确定度为0.2%。研制出的标准物质可用于薯蓣产品的检测和质量控制。

Preparation of Diosgenin certified reference materials

LAN Tao1, DONG Genlai2, CHU Qiao1, LIU Wen1, YANG Li1, WANG Heyan1, WANG Wei3, XI Xingjun1

1. China National Institute of Standardization, Beijing 100191, China;
2. Yadongxinji(Beijing) Agricultural Products Co., Ltd., Beijing 100125, China;
3. Beijing Centre for Physical and Chemical Analysis, Beijing 100089, China

Abstract: The preparation method of Diosgenin reference materials was established according to the technical norm of primary reference material(JJF 1006-1994). Qualitative analysis of Diosgenin was carried out by UV, IR, MS and NMR spectrum and high-performance liquid chromatography was carried out for homogeneity and stability inspection. A cooperative certification was conducted with eight laboratories and the certification data were analyzed. The results showed that the homogeneity and stability of Diosgenin were excellent and the certified value was 98.9% with the expand uncertainty of 0.2% in confidence coefficient of 95%. The reference material of Diosgenin can be used for inspection and quality control of related products.

Keywords: Diosgenin;reference material;homogeneity;stability;certification

2017, 43(11): 42-46  收稿日期: 2017-03-18;收到修改稿日期: 2017-05-10

基金项目: 中央基本科研业务费专项经费(562016Y-4687,562016Y-4492,562017Y-5284);质检公益性行业科研专项项目(201510048-4)

作者简介: 兰韬(1984-),男,安徽马鞍山市人,助理研究员,博士,研究方向为农产品标准样品研制。


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