
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>臭氧标准参考光度计一级校准周期考察


3039    2018-01-31



作者:王帅斌, 李宁, 樊强, 杜健

作者单位:国家环境保护污染物计量和标准样品研究重点实验室 环境保护部标准样品研究所, 北京 100029



对不同量程的臭氧二级传递标准进行一级校准实验,结果显示量程分别为500 nmol/mol和1 000 nmol/mol时,所得校准曲线的斜率和截距均能够满足臭氧一级校准指标的要求。对臭氧二级传递标准开展臭氧一级校准时,应根据实际需求选择合适的量程。对于大多数的监测站点,臭氧二级传递标准量程范围选择为500 nmol/mol可满足要求。在相同实验条件下(选择串口连接模式、校准曲线浓度点个数为6个、臭氧二级传递标准量程为500 nmol/mol),考察臭氧一级校准的周期。36个月的考察结果显示臭氧一级校准曲线的斜率在0.992 7~1.010 5之间,平均斜率为1.001 9;截距在-0.437 3~-0.026 6 nmol/mol之间,平均截距为-0.211 5 nmol/mol;斜率的相对标准偏差为0.32%,截距的标准偏差为0.094 nmol/mol,均能符合臭氧一级校准指标的要求。结合国内外相关标准及我国环境空气臭氧监测质量管理需求,建议臭氧二级传递标准至少每12个月开展一次臭氧一级校准。

Investigation of the level 1 calibration period by ozone standard reference photometer

WANG Shuaibin, LI Ning, FAN Qiang, DU Jian

State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Pollutants Metrology and Reference Materials Research, Institute for Environmental Reference Materials of Ministry of Environmental Protection, Beijing 100029, China

Abstract: Ozone level 1 calibration of ozone level 2 transfer standard with different ranges was carried out. The results showed that the slopes and the intercepts of the calibration curves were all within the ozone level 1 calibration index with the range of 500 nmol/mol and 1 000 nmol/mol by ozone level 2 transfer standard. It was recommended to choose the right range as required when ozone level 2 transfer standard were calibrated. For the major monitoring sites, the range of 500 nmol/mol could meet the requirements. Furthermore, the ozone level 1 calibration period was observed with the same experiment conditions, which were serial communication port, 6 concentration points and the ozone transfer standard range of 500 nmol/mol. Within 36 months, the slopes were between 0.992 7 and 1.010 5 with the average slope 1.001 9, and the intercepts were between -0.437 3 and -0.026 6 nmol/mol with the average intercept -0.211 5 nmol/mol, while the relative standard deviation(RSD) of the slopes was 0.32% and the standard deviation of the intercepts was 0.094 nmol/mol. The calibration results were all within the ozone level 1 calibration index. Consulting the relevant standards and the quality management requirements of ambient air ozone monitoring currently in China, it was suggested ozone level 2 transfer standard to perform ozone level 1 calibration once every 12 months at least.

Keywords: standard reference photometer;ozone level 2 transfer standard;ozone level 1 calibration;range;calibration period

2018, 44(1): 40-43  收稿日期: 2017-08-19;收到修改稿日期: 2017-10-12

基金项目: 国家环境保护公益性行业科研专项(201409011);国家环境保护标准制修订项目(2014-61);环保部环境发展中心自主选题科技项目(ZZ-2016-04)

作者简介: 王帅斌(1984-),男,河南偃师市人,工程师,硕士,研究方向为环境空气臭氧自动监测量值传递和溯源体系建设。


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