
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>航空机载发动机气相音爆测试方法


2692    2018-01-31




作者单位:中国飞行试验研究院, 陕西 西安 710089




Test method of sonic boom for aeroengine


Flight Test Establishment of China, Xi'an 710089, China

Abstract: In order to achieve the test for sonic boom characteristics of inter-generational fighter aeroengine and sonic wave packet length distribution state, a new type of numerical test algorithm (third-order-accuracy Runge-Kutta test & analysis algorithm) was proposed. Design parameters of a certain type of aeroengine were taken as research object and control equations of the algorithm on sonic boom was given, and Runge-Kutta method was also used to analyze and test the structure of diagonal mode caused by sonic wave of the fighter aeroengine during propagation in air and angular and rectangular mode of 2D sonic boom wave and 3D sonic boom wave in packet length distribution generated in propagation. Based on the aviation simulation platform, wind tunnel test data and comparison with accurate propagation characteristics of sonic boom wave in air obtained in the method, the results show that the numerical test method has excellent realization and high test precision.

Keywords: aeroengine test;sonic boom;diagonal mode;rectangular mode

2018, 44(1): 27-30  收稿日期: 2017-04-02;收到修改稿日期: 2017-06-19

基金项目: 国防基础科研项目(A0520132031)

作者简介: 孙科(1982-),男,山西大同市人,高级工程师,硕士,研究方向为飞行器飞行试验机载测试技术。


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