
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>三相电压源型PWM整流器非线性L2增益控制


2564    2018-06-02



作者:王新刚, 顾臻

作者单位:国网上海市电力公司电力科学研究院, 上海 200437



为降低模型参数分散和外部干扰对PWM整流器稳定控制的影响,解决非仿射结构带来的控制困难的问题,提出基于功率量测与扩展虚拟控制函数相结合的电压源型PWM整流器非线性L2增益控制方法。仿真结果表明:当输入电压幅值变化为1.5倍时,采用该控制方法后,可将传统的比例积分控制实现的整流输出电压稳定时间由0.15 s减小为0.10 s,并且交流输入交轴电流的谐波含量由原来的2 A减小至0.2 A之内。物理测试结果进一步验证所提方法的正确性,对于提高PWM整流器动态稳定控制能力具有一定参考意义。

Nonlinear L2-gain control of three-phase voltage source PWM rectifier

WANG Xin'gang, GU Zhen

Electric Power Research Institute, State Grid Shanghai Electric Power Company, Shanghai 200437, China

Abstract: In order to reduce the influence of distributed parameters and external interference of the model on the stable control of the PWM rectifier, and to solve the control problem brought by non-affine structure, a new nonlinear L2-gain control method combining the power measurement and extended virtual control variable is proposed for voltage source PWM rectifier. The results show that rectifier output voltage stabilization time achieved by traditional proportional-integral control method can be decreased from 0.15 s to 0.10 s after adopting new control method when the change of input voltage amplitude is 1.5 times, and the amplitude of the quadrature axis harmonic current can be decreased from 2 A to 0.2 A. The physical test results further verify the validity of proposed method, which is of a certain reference meaning for improving the dynamic stable control ability of PWM rectifier.

Keywords: voltage source PWM rectifier;nonlinear L2-gain control;stability control;power measurement;interference suppression

2018, 44(5): 113-117,136  收稿日期: 2017-05-29;收到修改稿日期: 2017-07-18

基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(51477154,50907061);国家杰出青年科学基金(51225701);河北省自然科学基金(E2017506007);国网上海市电力公司科技项目(52094017001N)

作者简介: 王新刚(1982-),男,江苏昆山市人,高级工程师,硕士,研究方向为电能计量及测试。


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