
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>LabWindows/CVI在发动机机械状态实时监测中的应用


2731    2016-01-22



作者:张雨, 刘代宏

作者单位:长沙理工大学载运工具研究所, 湖南 长沙 410076

关键词:发动机; 实时监测; 机械状态; LabWindows/CVI软件; USBDAQ-9100MSA/D转换器



Real-time monitoring system for engine mechanical condition based on LabWindows/CVI

ZHANG Yu, LIU Dai-hong

Changsha Univ. of Science and Technology, Changsha 410076, China

Abstract: This article introduced the features of LabWindows/CVI software,the basic compositions of the monitoring system based on LabWindows/CVI software platform,the main problems during the applied software developed,and ameasuring case.The result indicates that this system can realize effectively the monitoring of the engine mechanical state in real time.The efficiency of developing the applied software and the system function of engine applied software are greatly improved by the Lab Windows CVI software which is one of a new fashioned platform for measurement and control software.

Keywords: Engine; Monitor in real time; Mechanical state; LabWindows/CVI software; USBDAQ-9100MS A/D converter

2006, 32(1): 135-138  收稿日期: 2005-1-8;收到修改稿日期: 2005-3-15

基金项目: 湖南省教育厅重点科研项目(01A020)资助

作者简介: 张雨(1958-),男,江苏泰州人,教授,博士后,主要从事内燃机检测理论与状态智能监测的研究。


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