
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>济南市大气颗粒物来源解析样品的采集及处理技术


2541    2016-01-22



作者:刘恩莲, 王方华

作者单位:济南市环境保护监测站, 山东济南 250014

关键词:大气颗粒物; 排放源; 成分谱; 受体样品



Processing technology of atomosphere granule sample of jinan

LIU En-lian, WANG Fang-hua

Jinan Environmental Protection Monitoring Station, Jinan 250014, China

Abstract: This paper researched on the sample collection and processing technology of the atmosphere granules. Through survey for Jinan' s atmosphere granule, it confirmed that granule sources come from soil and sand dust blown by wind, industry coal (fuel) flying ash, civilian coal (fuel)flying ash, motor vehicle tail gas fuel flying ash, architecture cement dust, steel dust, dust blown by wind. Different sampling mode and processing technology should be taken according to different sources and the representative of sample and the samples analysis optimum effect should be insured. At the same time, this paper analyzed season nature and stability of atmosphere granule sources. By means of surveying sample dispersion and data processing result, it is able to get the settlement and diffuse situation of sample granules. This offers scientific gist for composite of chick or thin granule in the open air and build a successful foundation for origin research of the atmosphere granules.

Keywords: Atmosphere granule; Pollution source; Composition pedigree; Samples

2005, 31(6): 121-124  收稿日期: 2005-5-23;收到修改稿日期: 2005-8-6


作者简介: 刘恩莲(1950-),女,高级工程师,主要从事环境监测工作。


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