
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>新一代的温度固定点


2594    2016-01-22



作者:李訏谟, 赵明坚, 陈德明

作者单位:Hart Scientific, Inc., USA

关键词:固定点; 温度; 测量; 校准; 不确定度



New generation of fixed points

LI Xu-mo, ZHAO Ming-jian, CHEN De-ming

Hart Scientific, Inc., USA

Abstract: In this paper, the new techniques to implement new generation of fixed points are reported. Compared with the traditional techniques, the new techniques have some obvious advantages in their architectures, easy operating as well as high efficiency, and are especially suitable to verification for both the second class and industrial thermomenters. A new recurrence method of triple-point of water, without using cold-producing medium like liquid nitrogen and dry ice etc., can form three-phase equilibrium of water automatically and makes it maintain a few ten hours. The recurrence set of the melting point of Ga, shelled by stainless steel, can provide a melting plateau that lasts a week and uncertainty of 0.0001℃. The frezzing points of pure metals for the second class calibration, including In, Sn, Zn and Al, have uncertainties between 0.001℃ and 0.005℃.

Keywords: Fixed point; Temperature; Mcasmement; Calibition; Umcertainty

2005, 31(1): 6-9  收稿日期: 2004-9-5;收到修改稿日期: 2004-10-16




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