
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>可溯源冲击电压校准器特性研究


2611    2016-02-03



作者:李文婷, 刘少波, 龙兆芝, 肖凯, 宗贤伟

作者单位:中国电力科学研究院, 湖北 武汉 430074



介绍一种可溯源的冲击电压校准器,该校准器可输出IEC 60060-12010《高电压试验技术第一部分:一般定义和试验要求》中所规定的标准雷电全波、雷电操作波等4种时间参数波形,可作为标准波源对数字记录仪及冲击峰值表进行校准。该校准器可通过理论分析的方式溯源至各元器件的国家标准,其输出电压峰值不确定度 0.1%,时间参数不确定度 0.5%,可满足实际应用中对冲击电压峰值表及冲击测量用数字记录仪的幅值及时间测量参数校准的需求,具有很好的实用性及较高的推广价值。

Performance analysis for a traceable impulse voltage generator

LI Wenting, LIU Shaobo, LONG Zhaozhi, XIAO Kai, ZONG Xianwei

China Electric Power Research Institute, Wuhan 430074, China

Abstract: This paper introduces a traceable impulse voltage generator which can generate standard lighting impulse and switch impulse waveforms according to IEC 60060——1:2010. It is used to calibrate the time parameters and peak value for digital recorder and digital peak value voltmeter. The estimated uncertainty for the impulse peak value is less than 0.1% and for time parameters, lass than 0.5%. It can be traced to national compnent standard by theoretical analysis. It can satisfy the parameters calibration requirements of digital voltmeter and digital recorder used for measuring lighting waveform. It is of great practical use and can be used widely in impulse measurement calibration.

Keywords: traceable;standard waveform generator;digital recorder;peak value volmeter

2016, 42(1): 31-34  收稿日期: 2015-04-19;收到修改稿日期: 2015-06-11


作者简介: 李文婷(1987-),女,湖北孝感市人,工程师,硕士,主要从事高电压计量、高电压新技术方面研究工作。


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