
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>TCI导热仪测试材料导热系数的影响因素分析


3189    2016-08-19



作者:顼永亮, 周亚素, 王思

作者单位:东华大学环境科学与工程学院, 上海 201620



阐述基于瞬态平面热源法的TCI导热仪测试原理,通过对蒸馏水、Pyrex耐热玻璃、耐高温陶瓷、LAF6720泡沫材料导热系数的测量研究,分析影响TCI导热仪测试精度的因素。结果显示:TCI导热仪对于常见材料导热系数的测试结果具有较好的精度和可重复性,测试过程中需选择合适的校准方式,对固体材料需添加媒介以减小接触热阻。此外,对于测试时需添加触媒介质的固体材料连续测试时间不宜过长,最好不要超过20 min。

The influence factor analysis of testing material thermal conductivity with TCI thermal conductivity meter

XU Yongliang, ZHOU Yasu, WANG Si

College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China

Abstract: This paper explained testing principle of TCI thermal conductivity meter based on the transient plane source method. Good accuracy and repeatability of the TCI were verified and proved by testing four reference materials: distilled water, LAF6720, Pyrex and pyroceram. The authors also studied the influence factor which may affect the accuracy when testing the materials with TCI. Results showed that choosing the appropriate calibration and reducing the thermal contact resistance are essential to improve the testing accuracy. Also, the duration of continuous testing which requires contact agent should not be too long, not more than 20 minutes preferably.

Keywords: transient plane source;thermal conductivity;calibration methods;thermal contact resistance;testing time

2016, 42(7): 136-140  收稿日期: 2015-12-20;收到修改稿日期: 2016-2-28


作者简介: 顼永亮(1989-),男,河北石家庄市人,硕士研究生,专业方向为地源热泵回填材料热物性研究。


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