
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>基于多重非线性管-土耦合模型的管道应变设计方法


3065    2016-08-19



作者:刘铭刚1,2, 杨秀娟1,2, 闫相祯1,2, 韩思旻1,2, 樊苏楠1,2

作者单位:1. 中国石油大学(华东)储运与建筑工程学院, 山东 青岛 266580;
2. 中国石油大学(华东)油气CAE技术研究中心, 山东 青岛 266580




Strain design analysis method of buried pipeline based on multiple nonlinear pipe-soil coupling model

LIU Minggang1,2, YANG Xiujuan1,2, YAN Xiangzhen1,2, HAN Simin1,2, FAN Su'nan1,2

1. College of Pipeline and Civil Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Qingdao 266580, China;
2. Oil and Gas CAE Technology Research Center, China University of Petroleum, Qingdao 266580, China

Abstract: Strain analysis method for pipeline is a limit state design way base on displacement control theory which can be the new direction of pipeline design. Taking designed strain as reliability evaluation index and considering the material nonlinearity and load nonlinearity and different parameters of the fault and pipe, pipe-soil coupling model based on strained pipeline design is established and quantitative reliability result of pipeline is proposed. The result shows: The maximum axial tensile strain and compressive strain rises as the staggered distance and internal friction angle of soil grows; Wall thickness, radius to thickness ratio and buried depth of the pipe have great influence on the strain of buried pipeline at crossing-fault and the radius to thickness ratio has the greatest parameter sensitivity; The results of sensitivity analysis can be used as the state variables of the integrity assessment of pipeline. The studying conclusions can provide ideas and reference for the integrity assessment of crossing-fault buried pipeline.

Keywords: engineering mechanics;pipe-soil coupling model;pipeline strain design;integrity;buried pipe

2016, 42(7): 9-14  收稿日期: 2015-11-22;收到修改稿日期: 2016-1-7

基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(51274231,51374228);国家自然科学基金-石化联合基金项目(U1262208);CNPC重点实验室课题(2014A-4214);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(15CX06067A)

作者简介: 刘铭刚(1990-),男,博士研究生,研究方向为油气工程力学、机械强度及可靠性。


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