
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>检测校准实验室综合业务管理信息系统研究


2486    2016-01-16



作者:陈丽萍, 谭和平, 周承毅, 陈旭东, 郝丹, 邱东利

作者单位:中国测试技术研究院, 四川成都 610021

关键词:检测校准实验室; 管理信息系统; 检测证书管理; 功能模块; 信息安全



Research of integrated service management information system of testing and calibration laboratories

CHEN Li-ping, TAN He-ping, ZHOU Cheng-yi, CHEN Xu-dong, HAO Dan, QIU Dong-li

National Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology, Chengdu 610021, China

Abstract: According to the needs of national informational management of measurement/calibration laboratory, this paper states how to use comprehensive informational technologies of modern computer network, data base, wireless communication, test scanning, etc.to design and develop a whole set of multifunctional and comprehensive management information system for measurement/calibration laboratory, which includes management of samples receive and dispatch, the management of test process of measurement/calibration, the management of measurement/calibration charge, the analysis of integrated statistics, the query platform of samples measurement/calibration stage to the needs of clients.It solved the problem of certification informational management, and has its originality especially in the field of the problem between certificate availability and uniformity of laboratory's obtaining the ability authorization of measurement/calibration for national normal measurement/calibration laboratory to manage the information of whole factors of measurement/calibration.This system already has been applied, and got good benefits in management, economy and service.

Keywords: Measurement/calibration laboratory; Management information system; Testing certification management; Functional module; Information security

2009, 35(6): 30-33  收稿日期: 2009-7-11;收到修改稿日期: 2009-9-3


作者简介: 陈丽萍(1966-),女,青海乌兰人,高级工程师,主要从事传感器及计算机软件方面的科学研究。


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