
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>PSD和PWELCH函数的分析改进及应用


2432    2016-01-16



作者:杜峰, 唐岚, 丁峻强

作者单位:西华大学交通与汽车工程学院, 四川 成都 610039

关键词:信号处理; 功率谱密度; MATLAB软件; PSD函数; PWELCH函数; 工程随机振动



Improvement and application of PSD and PWELCH

DU Feng, TANG Lan, DING Jun-qiang

School of Transportation and Automotive Engineering, Xihua University, Chengdu 610039, China

Abstract: Because the results calculated by PSD are quit different from those by PWELCH, the source code is analyzed in detail for these two functions which are used to calculate the power spectrum density in Matlab. On the basis of the theory of power spectrum density estimation, it is found with classical cyclic periodogram and Welch average periodogram what function PSD calculates actually is not power spectrum density used on engineering but double-edge spectrum of collected signals. That is reason for the phenomena mentioned at the beginning of the article. On the other hand, segmental signal can not be pre-processed by function PWELCH. Some ways are proposed to improve those issues, and these actions are proved be effective.

Keywords: Signal process; Power spectrum density; Matlab; Function PSD; Function PWELCH; Engineering random vibration

2010, 36(1): 93-96  收稿日期: 2009-8-6;收到修改稿日期: 2009-9-28

基金项目: 四川省教育厅重点科研项目(2004A112);四川省重点学科建设项目(SZD0410-1)

作者简介: 杜峰(1980-),男,硕士研究生,河南邓州市人,专业方向为汽车电子技术。


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