
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>基于LabVIEW构建电子仪器自动测试系统


2270    2016-01-18



作者:李海明, 朱保安, 王双记

作者单位:91388部队96分队, 广东 湛江 524022

关键词:电子仪器; 自动测试系统; LabVIEW软件; VISA函数; 自动测试模块



Automatic test system for electronic instruments based on LabVIEW

LI Hai-ming, ZHU Bao-an, WANG Shuang-ji

The 96 Unit of Army 91388, Zhanjiang 524022, China

Abstract: Because of various kinds of electronic instruments and many differences of communications interface and control commands, by using LabVIEW to build an automatic test module can implement the purpose of automatically test most general instruments. The purpose of build an automatic test module is to provide users customize their own platform in the automatic test system, and use the powerful and flexible LabVIEW instrument control functions and VISA make the module work. LabVIEW-based automatic test module is accurate, reliable, and more portable and has very wide range of usage. It can connect with any interface of instruments to make sure the automatic test carry out smoothly, so that the ability of test can be improved greatly.

Keywords: Electronic instruments; Automatic test system; LabVIEW; VISA; Automatic test module

2010, 36(2): 63-65  收稿日期: 2009-2-20;收到修改稿日期: 2009-5-7


作者简介: 李海明(1971-),男,广西玉林市人,工程师,主要从事热工参数计量测试与研究。


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