
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>烧结矿全自动在线质检系统的研制与应用


2616    2016-01-18



作者:刘阳, 吴红桃, 雷坤, 李建兵

作者单位:安阳钢铁集团公司, 河南 安阳 455000

关键词:烧结矿; 全自动质检系统; 取样; 质量检测; 转鼓试验



Developing and application of automatic online quality test system of sinter

LIU Yang, WU Hong-tao, LEI Kun, LI Jian-bing

Anyang Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd, Anyang 455000, China

Abstract: To overcome the disadvantages of poor representative, low accuracy and low efficiency led by the manual sampling, sample making and drum testing when traditional method is used for quality test of sinter, an automatic online quality test system for sinter was developed by Anyang Iron and Steel Group. In the system, all kinds of test parameters are configured,and measured results are collected and processed through software on industrial computer. The operations of mechanical equipments, such as online-sampling, sample splitting, sub-sampling, sample making, drum testing and carrying back of residual sample, are all controlled by programmable logic controller(PLC). A large number of tests indicated that the test results can completely reach the relative criteria of quality test. Meanwhile,the system also has the advantages of labor-saving, high test frequency and efficiency.

Keywords: sinter; automatic quality test system; sampling; quality test; drum test

2011, 37(3): 85-88  收稿日期: 2010-3-12;收到修改稿日期: 2010-5-19


作者简介: 刘阳(1970-),男,河南太康县人,工程师,主要从事质量检测与控制工作.


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