
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>平板式与滚筒反力式制动检测台的对比研究


2405    2016-01-19



作者:胡明冲1, 杨志发2

作者单位:1. 眉山市公安局交警支队机动车安全技术检测中心, 四川 眉山 620010;
2. 吉林大学交通学院, 吉林 长春 130022

关键词:汽车运用工程; 车辆检测; 平板式制动检测台; 滚筒反力式制动检测台; 桑塔纳SVW7180; 对比



Comparative study on flatbed and opposite force roller brake tester

HU Ming-chong1, YANG Zhi-fa2

1. Vehicle Safety Testing Center of Traffic Police Detachment of Meishan Municipal Public Security Bureau, Meishan 620010, China;
2. Traffic and Transportation College, Jilin University, Changchun 130022, China

Abstract: In order to master the characteristics of the two popular detections of the vehicle braking performance, the differences of structure and working principle of the flatbed and drum brake test sets were analyzed. By using the testing data of six Santana SVW7180 vehicles, the test effects of the two test sets were obtained. Experimental results show that the test results of plate brake test sets are much closer to the true level of brake than that of drum.

Keywords: automobile application engineering; vehicle detection; flatbed brake test sets; drum brake test sets; santana SVW7180; compare

2011, 37(6): 31-33,75  收稿日期: 2011-6-28;收到修改稿日期: 2011-9-10


作者简介: 胡明冲(1974-),男,四川广汉市人,工程师,主要从事机动车安全检测技术研究工作。


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