
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>配方奶粉中核苷酸含量高效液相色谱测定


2472    2016-01-19



作者:高运华1, 黎朋1, 侯东军2, 张玲1, 王晶1

作者单位:1. 中国计量科学研究院, 北京 100013;
2. 中国动物疫病预防控制中心, 北京 100125

关键词:配方奶粉; 核苷酸; 高效液相色谱; 定量



Quantitative determination of nucleotides in formula milk powder by HPLC method

GAO Yun-hua1, LI Peng1, HOU Dong-jun2, ZHANG Ling1, WANG Jing1

1. National Institute of Metrology, Beijing 100013, China;
2. China Animal Disease Control Center, Beijing 100125, China

Abstract: A quantitative method for determining adenosine 5'-monophosphate, cytidine 5'-monophosphate, guanosine 5'-monophosphate, uridine 5'-monophosphate and inosine 5'-monophosphate in formula milk powder was described. Following deproteinisation, adjusting pH, and so on, the sample extracted was quantitatively analyzed by the reversed-phase liquid chromatography. The CRM of nucleotides was used as the standard for quantitative analysis. Performance parameters included recoveries of 90.8%~99.3%, and repeatability limit as 1.43, and reproducibility limit as 2.44. The described method has been applied to the analysis of infant formula milk powder.

Keywords: formula milk powder; nucleotides; HPLC; quantitative

2012, 38(1): 44-47  收稿日期: 2011-5-18;收到修改稿日期: 2011-7-27

基金项目: 国家质检总局食品安全专项基金(ASPAQ1101)科技部科技支撑计划项目(AZC0710-2)

作者简介: 高运华(1973-),男,山东定陶县人,副研究员,主要从事生物测量相关标准物质研制和法制计量工作。


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